Sunday, July 12, 2009

A finish and more wool

I am calling this done. The pattern calls for all four sides to have applique but I just don't have it in me. I think if it was needle turn it would be no problem. This was done by machine blanket stitch. What a pain it was turning this quilt constantly. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!

Now I need to shop for a backing and figure out how I am going to quilt it.
The next few blocks are the wool ones that I am working on. After looking at these pictures, it is clear that I need to undo a few pieces and re-sew them on straight.

Have a great week!


Karene said...

Gorgeous !!! Beautiful !!! Well done !!! Love the quilt.

Barb said...

wow....amazing work.

wishes, true and kind said...

Great work this week. I'm smiling about the chore of machine blanket stitching the appliqué on the quilt top. Sometimes the old fashioned way is easier and/or more enjoyable -- but other times....

Shelina said...

It looks great! What a wonderful finish. You're right, the other sides don't need any applique. Hmm, maybe I should consider needle turn for the border.

Anne said...

Your quilt is gorgeous. I don't think you need to re-do anything on those blocks. They look wonderful!

Karen said...

Such a bright, happy quilt and I love the wool blocks.

Betsy said...

Yvette the sampler is fantatic!

Lindsey said...

So gorgeous...just when I've given up on the applique, this inspires me to no end. I am shocked at how accomplished your work is...what is the technique again...dvds from Linda somebody? I may give it a go again based on how well yours turned out. well done. I don't even think the borders need applique all the way around.

Crispy said...

Oh that is so beautiful Yvette!!! I don't see anything wrong with your wool blocks, they look wonderful to me.


Carrie P. said...

Well, the borders look fabulous. You did a great job machine sewing the pieces on the border. I am sure it was a big pain doing that on the machine.
Love those wool blocks.

Doin the Math said...

Beautiful quilt! :)

Joy said...

Awesome! Absolutely awesome! I love the applique on the two is perfect!

And your wool blocks are very very pretty!

Question - could some of the applique work have been done before the borders were attached? That's a lot of blanket stitching while fighting an entire quilt top.... but Sew Pretty!!


Robin said...

Oooo... it was so worth it to do that extra work!!! The applique is gorgeous! And just doing the opposite corners is a very pretty look. Your wool blocks are looking very spiffy as well. I'm loving all the of the rich, autumnal tones!

Kim said...

The wool blocks are very nice. Kudos for finishing the quilt.

The Rabbit Factory said...

Those wool applique blocks look amazing! Love the variegated effect of the hand dye wool...that is going to be a gorgeous quilt when you are done!

Anonymous said...

Great quilts....
Amazing designs...

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