Last year I started a "Dear Jane" quilt. Now this is the kind of challenge I enjoy. Well, when they said the blocks shuld be 4 1/2" finished I cut them at 4 1/2". DOH!!! 41/2" finished = 5 inches before sewing together. Well, I am going to make my "Dear Jane" but won't be using these blocks. I sewed them all together using a 1" sashing and there you have it. My new table runner.
Yay !!!! You finally made a blog !!! However, I've been very, very bad at keeping mine up to date! I just love all your quilts and the Dear Jane table runner is absolutely fantastic. I just can't believe you sewed all those tiny pieces together. We must be crazy !!! You are such a wonderful quilter and have a great sense of color. I especially love the dog quilt & the cabin "quilt from H--l". There are fantastic! I also got to beat Joy in being the first one to leave you a comment.....ha, ha, ha!!! See you soon my friend, Love ya ! Karene
You are my first visitor. :)
I will see you later today to see what new quilt you are making. Yippeeee, it's Sunday.
Now aren't you glad you made that mistake? I bet if had finished a DJ you wouldn't think of making a tablerunner ! :o)
Think the sashing just sets it off!
Hope you don't get this comment twice - I lost it once and am retyping it...
I love your blog and I love your quilts!!
I want to know more about your work out regimen....I know walking once a day for an hour is not enuf. I need to work on certain areas (like every available area!) such as my bat-wing deformity!! I want to get stronger, too.
Question: and feel free to laugh if I'm off base with this one...But don't your Dear Janes need to be 5-1/2 to start, if you want 4-1/2 inch at the completion? You lose 1/4 inch on all four sides, right? Or am I smoking dope, as my kids say....
Hugs! Hope to see you soon!
Hi Rosalind!
Thanks for visiting. You are so rightabout the table runner, there is no way I would have made one of those without my error.
Hi Joy!
The DJ needs to be 5" so they finish at 4.5". I now have a special DJ ruler. NO MORE ERRORS! LOL
The walking you are doing is awesome. Now it's time to lift some iron my friend.
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