I was able to knock out 4 Farmer's Wife blocks this morning. I did these before 8am.
I started these "Civil War Chronicles" blocks last weekend. On Friday night I worked on them a few hours and yesterday morning I finished them up. I spent as much time reverse sewing as I did sewing. I could not get them to 16 1/2". I got them as close as possible and called them done. No way was I going to even try to redo them.
Once they were finished I was able to add the first three months together.
That's all I have this weekend. Next weekends sewing time looks bleak. I may have to work 11 days in a row due to a convention next weekend. :(

I hope everyone has a great week with plenty of play time. I am off to prep some hand work to keep my busy the next 11 days.
A very productive week end, indeed.
Oh Yvette - you got a lot done!!! Even with them taking an hour away from us!!!
You are really putting me to shame on CWC. I have not done a single thing this week on them. And ouch, on the reverse sewing!!! Are these blocks hard and a pain to sew?
I do love how the first three months are looking all together. I'm jealous!!! YGG!!
Looks great! I love the way it is coming together.
I can finally comment on your blog, I'm on my sister's computer. :) Anything Civil War is my favorite! I love these blocks and how they are turning out. I would love to do that "Civil War Chronicles" but I just have too much on my plate right now.
Don't work too hard next week! Hang in there!
You where a busy gal. You did everything so fast. Wow I love the way your quilt is coming together.
You got a lot done! Love all those civil war blocks. Gorgeous! I need to be more like you and get an earlier start in the morning!
Wow! You got up early and really got to work! I'm impressed :-) My machine went on the fritz today, so that took about a three hour chunk out of my afternoon, so I was able to almost finish all four CWC March BOMs, but didn't have time to put them all together. I sure like the way the Jan, Feb & March blocks look all together! Nice work!!
The template that I created for the center stripe section worked like a charm - please come and visit and let me know what you think... http://www.rocknquilts.blogspot.com
An eleven day work week sounds like a huge undertaking...hope you'll get some "down" time to relax and refresh, maybe even sew!
All are nice, but those CW blocks are awesome!!!
Wow! Look at you go. I'm barely functional before 8 am! :P
The Civil War Chronicles is looking amazing.
Hope you have a great week! (And here's hopin' you don't go insane at work... 11 days? Eeep!)
Wow, it just looks amazing. I couldn't even fathom sewing all those little pieces together.
Your farmer's wife blocks are beautiful too. A productive weekend.
Hope you get some more time during your busy days to stitch.
Wow, you did a lot. Beautiful blocks !!
Yvette, you make the most complicated blocks and they look fabulous. You are so right, why take our much needed hour away.
I agree....let them have that hour during work time, not my time :)
Your CWC is beautiful! I love it. How come I missed out on this? LOL
I'm so sorry you have to work 11 days in a row, yuck!
By the way, you are way too productive before 8am....oh my gosh, I'm impressed.
WOW you got a lot done over the weekend!! I LOVE the civil war quilt this is going to be beautiful!
Your quilt is going to be amazing!!
I forgot all about the time change until late Sunday afternoon. Wonderful blocks!
Your Civil War Chronicles looks fabulous as do your Farmer's Wife block - you certainly achieved a great deal this weekend.
wow your coming along with Civil War Chronicles.........hope I can find some time to start soon..........
I'm not a fan of CW prints, but you gotta love all those triangles! That block assy looks great.
Wow - you got so much done! Those Civil War Chronicle blocks aren't easy...I signed up for last year's version, made one block, then just spent the rest of the year collecting the fabrics for my stash - I will repurpose them - LOL!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
I like the sewing cave idea, LOL!! My spot is the kitchen table, so that makes it harder to hibernate...I really enjoy seeing your progress...yahoo for you! Keep going!!
Looks like about a million triangles in the Civil War Chronicles blocks but they look good.
It looks like you got a lot done to me! have a great week!
You had a very productive weekend; love your fabrics.
Whoa, those are some HST you got going there. The blocks turned out great even though you had to redo them. They all look so good together.
Hope you are able to get some handwork in these next several days.
For someone missing an hour of the weekend.... it doesn't show! Beautiful blocks! The Farmers' Wife blocks have me chanting "come on Friday, come on Friday!" I want to get going on some more of those!
Congrats on conquering the HST marathon!
You're whipping up blocks left and right! Did you get up at 4am to get them done by 8?? =)
Pretty blocks and looks like you worked through the problems and the blocks came together beautifully. Looking good!
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