Saturday, August 7, 2010

Please Help!

I finally finished putting on my zig-zag border for my Nearly Insane-ish quilt. What a tedious job! Now I need to add a 6" border and call the top done. I just don't know what to use. I took a picture of the fabric I used on the zig-zag.

Should I try to get more red with white polka dot?
Should I go white?
My original plan was to get a nice white with red print.

What do you think????


JustCindy said...

White with red print.

Anne said...

Hi Yvette - Congratulations on a beautiful quilt. I've been following your progress, and yes indeed, you are nearly insane to do this!

Here are my two cents worth about the border: I think the red is too stark, I like the white much better as a way to showcase all the lovely blocks. However, plain white is also too stark, so I think I would try to find a white with a light airy touch of red running through it - not too much, and not too geometric. Just enough to soften the white without taking over.

Monica said...

I'm for the white also. The red border just drowns out the body of the quilt whereas the white allows your eyes to focus on all your hard work.

Jo said...

Are you trying to make the quilt fit a certain size, to fit a particular bed? Not to throw more choices in the mix, but I'm curious how a 2 or 3 inch white border would look.

Love the quilt!

marina said...

I like that red that you have put up against it. It frames it well. But I would also need to see the other one to compare. No help from me I am afraid. The quilt looks lovely.

Julianne said...

The quilt looks so amazing and I love the zig-zag border. I finished my border yesterday (yet to photograph it) and yes what a job!!! I also have to choose the outer border fabric and am leaning towards white so as to keep the focus on the blocks.
I love the red spot, but think a white would compliment it better.
Can't wait to see the finished product. Are you going ot hand quilt it??

Raewyn said...

This quilt is going to be gorgeous!! I think, go with a white with red print - the red is too much colour and the white not enough - he he!! My thoughts only - go with your gut!!!

Terry said...

The white looks fine, but the red really makes the blocks stand out. So maybe a white with red print would be a nice compromise between the two! :0)

Sheila said...

The red with the white polka dots looks great. I think the white is too boring!

Sheila said...

The red with the white polka dots looks great. I think the white is too boring!

Nancy said...

The red definitely!!! It really frames it out and gives it a great finish!!

I love it... Now I am thinking of making this. I know I saw the book on Amazon.

Chris said...

Definitely red. Red is a quilting tradition representing the hearth of the home. It makes a beautiful frame for your intricate work. :)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Red with larger polka dot?

Nicole said...

Out of the 2 choices you showed I love the Red. If you find a white with a red please show us and I just may chang my mind. PS I love your quilt!

Darlene said...

I do like the red with white print but a white with red print would wonderful, as well.

Ginny Worden said...

Yvette what a lovely job, I love the plain white, it show off your red and white piecing perfectly. What ever you decide, do enjoy. Job well done.

Deb said...

I looks gorgeous!! but I would go with a red and white gingham...

BeckyK said...

Stunning quilt! Well done! I think the red gets my vote. It frames your art better; white seems to let the borders fade away. Either way--what a masterpiece!

Barbara Sindlinger said...

I also like the red print for a border. It frames it nicely and holds it all in. The white is too stark and boring like Gracie Lady said. Maybe find a different red with more white. Just my opinion though. The quilt is absolutely gorgeous.

Quilter Kathy said...

I like the red border...lovely quilt!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It has turned out so well.

I'd go with the white or white with red border. It lets the zig-zag border and blocks pop more. If you're worried about the white being too stark, maybe quilting with red thread?

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

i vote for red, definitely "finishes" the quilt. It's such a cool quilt!!!

Barb said...

I love the first one.....what a fabulous quilt this is going to be!

toja said...

What a gorgeous quilt! I would have choosen the red fabric.

antique quilter said...

I like the red, it really pulls out the red in the blocks.
that would be my choice. the white just seems to make the quilt so light and the blocks are not as vibrant. the red livens up those blocks and after all its all about those blocks!

Crispy said...

I'm voting for the red border. My eyes saw the red border but then immediately went to the red blocks. The white was too stark IMHO :0)


Carrie P. said...

Looking at your quilt so far, I like the red but it sure would look pretty if you could find a big red floral on white background. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I love the red....I LOVE this quilt!!

ranette said...

I LOVE the red as it really frames the quilt nicely....way to go girl!!!

Featheronawire Sally Bramald said...

Go with white and quilt some stunning feathers in red on the white fabric. It's a great quilt.

Linda said...

I like the red you have, but I agree...maybe a white with a bit of red would be nice. Of the two shown...I like the red!

Joy said...

I've voting for the red.... And I'm just loving that quilt! You did such an awesome job!!

Karen said...

I'm all for the red border! Just beautiful!!

Cindy said...

I "red" each and every comment.

I agree with Crispy.

You insane person, you !!!!

You're my hero.

Talin's Corner said...

OMG that is just gorgeous. I think anything you choose would work, but I do love the white one.

Talin's Corner said...

OMG that is just gorgeous. I think anything you choose would work, but I do love the white one.

Robin said...

Wow. Gorgeous!!!

Mom said...

you're probably already done with this, but the red is awesome!

And if you made 2 of these it really ought to be called "certifiably crazy", not "Nearly Insane"!!

Karen said...

WOW this quilt is beautiful
