The block above is #54 of my Nearly Insane block. It made me insane and it is one of the easier blocks on the quilt. This weeks block had a zillion pieces so I put it off until I go on vacation.

The block above and below is my "Home is Where the Heart is" BOM. I am making these into wall hangings and I was able to get December's block quilted, bound and hung today. I am making this project the next UFO I am going to bust. I have 10 of the other months ready to sandwich and 1 ready to stitch.

The blocks below belong to my "Applique Affair" BOM. This one is done with a flannel back round and wool applique pieces. These are the border blocks. I need to make a total of 20 of these. 16 down, 4 to go. :) There are 25 center blocks of which I have 10 done, 3 prepped and 12 to go.

This little furry creature is Daisy. She is 99% better!!! I just have to make sure she doesn't do anything to get her spine out of whack. Try telling that to a 6yr old. UGH!!!

I hope you all have a Happy, Healthy week!
I really enjoy seeing your NIB, they are so pretty in the red & white. The BOM are so cute!
Yvette welcome back. I have missed ready your blog and seeing what nearly insane block you come up with. I am truly liking the home BOM
Oh my word, #54 LOOKS INSANE !! But I absolutely, absolutely LOVE it - well done, my dear cyber friend.
And, as I've told you several times before, I am IN LOVE with the "Home is Where the Heart Is" BOM. I have no idea where you joined but it's one I wish I could have participated in. (I've been known to be late on several things....LOL)
And, well, Daisy, bless her heart. She sure looks inicent. Give her a big hug.
Those calendar quilts are lovely and the applique border blocks you are doing and gorgeous. I look forward to seeing it all assembled.
Great stuff Yvette!! You have been very productive (I wish I could say the same LOL).
Great projects going on at your place. Your Santa BOM is so cute.
Hopefully those stairs don't bother Daisy's spine too much.
I love the HIWTHI blocks... So relieved to read Daisy is feeling better. I know that's a load off your heart and mind.
Your December wallhanging is wonderful! Finished just in time, too. :) I can't wait to see the other months. Sigh... I've had the same nativity quilt on my wall for nearly a year now. At least it has cycled back around so that now it doesn't seem bizarre that it's up. :P
It looks like you've been really productive. Love the NI block, and the wool blocks are very pretty.
WOW, WOW, WOW !!! Your HIWTHI block is so pretty. I love it !!! But, then again, I love all your stuff ! You go girlfriend.
Certainly looks like you have a plan to get these done! I love your blocks! They are beautiful! I want to get back to mine, but it is hard for me to be able to leave these things out and work on them, I don't have a lot of space and I have to sew at my kitchen table, until the new house is finished.
Yvette! I LOVE your December block...I am inspired to start my HIWTHI project! Sigh. After I finish the six or seven others I have prepped?! I love how your colors are so clear and bright - nice choices!! As everyone else has said, "you do awesome work!" Love from Jacque in SC
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